(Some information here is outdated, but it may still be helpful.)


These topics and dates are provided as a guide to planning. They can be modified to fit your specific needs. There are “many paths to success.” Several first year coordinators have begun in the fall, winter, or as late as March.

Fundraising is a major component of planning, but a successful event can occur even on a small budget. MCPP/G officers and team leaders are available to help with budget planning. Read more


For the full list of Planning
Click here


Set Event Planning Meeting
  • Announce it at Back-to-School night.
  • Get in touch with the newsletter editor to place an announcement about your post prom/graduation event and to announce the date for your planning meetings in upcoming newsletters. Connect with the online newsletter contact or post an on the school web site. Information should be directed to parents and students
  • Get list of potential volunteers at Back-to-School night.
  • For additional planning
  • Notify your principal and head of school security that MCPP/G will arrange police coverage for the post prom event
  • Police assignments will be made by Montgomery County Department of Police
  • Please do not call either MCPS security or the Montgomery County Department of Police (MCDP) about your event coverage
  • See Security section for more details
Schedule Senior Class Parent Meeting (if possible)
  • This is a good chance to promote the event
  • Call Class Advisor in September and schedule senior class meeting for a date in January, February or March (or perhaps your school has a “Guidance Advisory Council” that could plan this event)
  • As parents have been the best source of funding, this meeting helps to encourage donations